The user is expected to select a set of consumer(s) and a set of producer(s).
In case, one needs to represent a prosumer, represent a consumer system alongside a producer. Since a prosumer is just a combination of
a consumer and producer.
Regarding the Consumer section, there is an automatic proposal of annual consumption given everytime a change is done for a system 'Energy consumer profile' variable.
The user is invited to modify this automatic proposal. This proposal helps to have a magnitude of consumption for such type of systems.
Regarding the Producer section,consider adding a set of producer profiles (at least 1). Have in mind to size the scenario between your set of consumers vs producers.
We give free range to the user to put whatever sizing he feels adequate in order to test out different scenarios.
The whole analysis will be aggregated to the overall neighborhood level in order to assess the self consumption and self-sufficiency
ratio of the scenario entered as an energy community.
You will need to run a simulation by clicking on 'Check simulation results' in order to have a dashboard where you can visualize your simulation results.